I’m Dr. Hiro Izumi. I am a doctor of chiropractic.
I have been practicing since 2003.
I started learning functional medicine in 2005.
I have personally dealt with severe asthma and autoimmune issues as a child and through early adulthood which I have learned to overcome.
Learning functional medicine taught me what I needed to do to overcome these health issues.
I want to share that knowledge with as many people as I possibly can, so they don’t have to suffer like I did.
Dr. Izumi has successfully supported patients with...
・Anxiety and depression
・Chronic pain
・Hormonal imbalance, PMS, Menopausal issues
・Autoimmune health issues
・Chronic infections
・Slow metabolism, difficulty losing weight
What is functional medicine?
Functional Medicine is a truly individualized healthcare model, not a sick care.
Functional Medicine looks at all the systems of the body as being connected without isolating a single organ or body system.
Initial Session & Second Session: $300 total
The purpose of the initial session is to gather all the health related information so Dr Izumi can understand your unique situation and help him build a customized treatment plan for you.
In the second session, Dr. Izumi will go over the clinical impression and specific treatment plan in detail.
Follow-Up Sessions: $110/session
Phone: 914 310 9000 (USA)
E-Mail: drizumi@protonmail.com